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Parami launches Continuing Education Talk Series

Updated: Feb 12, 2024

Parami has recently launched a Continuing Education Talk Series, and The first episode will begin on February 16, 2024, with the topic “Self-Directed Learning Means A Lot To Us.” In this inaugural episode of the talk series, our alumni will share their personal experiences as to how self-directed learning helped them find their passion and opened up opportunities.  

Continuing Education Webinar is a bi-weekly series event where we invite our alumni from the Parami Leadership Programs (PLP) pursuing further studies and professional careers in different fields in different countries to share their educational or work experience. Organized by the Parami Institute of Continuing Education, it aims to encourage lifelong learning and help young people and professionals continue their learning journey at any age and stage in their lives. The Parami Leadership Program is organized under the Parmai Institute of Continuing Education from 2017 to 2022 and has more than 150 graduates from all walks of life.

We are kicking off our first-ever talk series with two PLP alumni from Cohort 1 and 7. 

Speakers Highlight

May Thant Cynn

May Thant Cynn

Parami Leadership Program (Cohort 1)

Doctoral Candidate in Political Science 2022-25

University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Myo Hlaing Win

Myo Hlaing Win

Parami Leadership Program (Cohort 7) 

M.Sc. in Engineering Management 

The George Washington University, US

Sign up for our first talk series on February 16, 2024, where you can connect, learn, and expand your knowledge and network with individuals from diverse backgrounds and professions. Pre-register to join: 

Parmai Institute of Continuing Education (PICE) is an institution operating under Parami University designed to offer online certificate courses (non-accredited) to adult learners and young professionals who wish to keep developing themselves even though they are no longer studying at the university. Through the Parami Institute of Continuing Education (PICE), Parami University promotes lifelong learning by offering a broad range of continuing education programs to young adults to help improve their problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical skills. 


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